Saturday, February 21, 2015


          Sometimes, when I’m having a hard day (I found a scratch on my Mercedes) or I forgot my weed in my locker at school I grab a caramel macchiato at Starbucks, break the knees of my manservant Claude and sit on the wood panel roof of my glorious estate. I lay on my back and look up at the stars in the night sky and see the moon shining brightly down while thinking, “God, it’s good to be thin, white, and wealthy.” The moon is such a phenomenon to me (Oh my God, did you see me use that four syllable word? I’m not just all beauty no brains you know). It’s mind blowing how such as small part of life has the ability to cast light on a world of darkness (and trust me, I know about darkness- my life is so hard). Like think about the fact that the moon is like hundreds of inches away and yet, like, we can see it right there because it’s just so freaking big and bright. No matter how stormy or cloudy it gets the moon prevails (I swear, I’m on a roll with these big ass words) to be noticed and never goes away because there’s totally no such thing as clouds covering up the moon. Some days it’s bigger, it will show its full circle and light up the two woods diverged in a yellow wood (I made that up); other days there’s just a croissant or a baguette or something else French that’s like the shape of the moon idk lol and the moon keeps his beauty to himself. Because the moon is totally a man because its like so big and stuff.  

The moon is literally every person in the entire planet. I believe that every person, except for the poorer people has a heart of Swarovski crystals from the beginning, however the evilnesses of society can set in and take away the colors of the moon which are like so colored…like how people are colored. And maybe my ideas can compromise and goodness is like two-fifths of a person while the other stuff is three-fifths of a person. I’ll call it the three-fifths compromise. Anyway, some people, like me and the other Quad Monkeys, stand out more and then others. When one walks into a mansion and turns on the lights, everything lights up- they bring a bright light that’s contagion (that movie with Matt Damon). We all have it inside ourselves (ive had many things inside of me) but it’s up to you to choose if it nip-slips out.  

So go outside and get some quality pot and then go look at the moon and you’ll understand my words. Subscribe to my blog. Follow me on Instagram. Look at the beauty of how little I can dress myself but still meet Instagram’s community guidelines. Maybe look at the moon or something. Know that you can shine equally as bright because I said you’re like the moon and Im always right. Don’t let the dark shadows and the poverty overcome you. We all look at the same sky and really are not that different (except for the whole “money, skin color, and Im pretty” thing). Find your place to exceed, allowing yourself to light up. Set yourself on fire. I don’t give a damn. One day, when I least expect it, I’m gonna get super super, like really super fat and Im going to tour the world as a motivational speaker. And you know what? Then, ill be literally as big as the moon.

But all in all, remember one thing my faithful disciples: I’m better than you, I’m richer than you, and the when I look at the moon, I think of all of you because you’re all really bright and I’m really dim. 

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